All the functionalities available as a guest user are available also as a logged user!

In order to use all the features of Emotional Songs, you will need a personal account, where you can create your own playlists, add and remove songs, associate emotions to each song and add comments.


In order to register yoursel, from the main screen of Emotional Songs click on Register. You will see the registration form.

Registration form

Here you’ll have to enter all the required data, remembering to respect the required format for each field, which we report below:

Namemin 3, max 20text
Surnamemin 3, max 20text
Addressdifferent from 0text, like str, n, zip, city, province
Birth datedifferent from 0numbers, like DD/MM/YYYY
Fiscal code16 charactersalphanumeric, like RSSMRA73L09Z103F
E-mail addressdifferent from 0alphanumeric
User IDmin 3, max 10alphanumeric
Passwordmin 8, max 20alphanumeric, with at least 1 upper-case character, 1 lower-case character, 1 number and 1 special character among the following: @ # $ % ^ & + = !

Once all fields have been filled in, press Register.

*Note: Once the registration is completed, login is automatic.


If you already have an Emotional Songs account, you can login by pressing the Login button in the menu bar.

Login form

Once you are logged in, you will be presented with a similar screen:

Logged user home screen

In addition to guest user features (repository search and song search), from here you can:

  • create new playlists
  • visualize your existing playlists
  • add desired emotions for each song in the playlist