Emotional Songs has a guest mode, that unregistered users could use. The software will be limited to the only consultation of the songs repository.

To be able to access the repository as a guest, just click on Menu > Repository: from here you can view the list of songs with their author, title and the year of release.

In addition, for each song you’ll find two buttons that will allow you to see a report of the emotions entered by registered users and the YouTube video of the song.

Accessing the repository as a guest user

At the bottom of the window there is also a search bar, to search for songs. Even if you don’t remember the exact title or author, you can search some words you know, and the software automatically finds all the songs that contain them within the title or author.

If you want to search by author and year, just write AUTHOR;YEAR in the search field.

Report of emotions

By pressing the button, you can view the report of entered emotions, which registered users will have judged for each song of their playlists.

Report of emotions

If you want to export statistical data for one or more songs, you could simply scrolling the report to the bottom of the page and clicking on Export song data.

Report export